
What are workplace reviews and when are they needed? 

Dysfunction and bad behaviour is common and inevitable in the workplace. There are many reasons why a team or workplace can be dysfunctional, such as:

  • problematic behaviour left unchecked;

  • toxic personalities, interpersonal conflict;

  • negative rumours and a gossip culture;

  • a lack of diversity;

  • gender inequality;

  • management issues;

  • a lack of clarity around job roles and descriptions; and

  • concerns about professional development, promotion and recognition.

There are considerable risks and ongoing costs to the organisation if dysfunctions in a workplace are not addressed. These risks and costs include impacts on personal health, job satisfaction and morale, increased employee turnover, absenteeism, impacts on performance and productivity, missed opportunity and reputational risk. 

Are you aware there are problems in your workplace but you are finding it difficult to obtain frank and honest information from employees, as they are reluctant to speak to you as their manager about their concerns? 

Perhaps you are receiving constant complaints from staff about other staff members but the complaints are all “off the record”?

Are you spending increased time managing and dealing with ongoing conflict in your team?

Maybe you simply want to check the health and temperature of your organisation?

If any of the above apply, then engaging an independent investigator to conduct a review is an efficient and cost-effective way to gain a clear understanding of the issues in the team or workplace and what interventions or actions can be taken to address them. Act on your suspicions, do not leave these problems to escalate.

An independent review of a team or workplace is a useful means of identifying what is working well, what is not and what can be done better. It can also be a useful method for uncovering systemic issues which may exist (such as bullying or sexual harassment). 

A review provides invaluable information and insight into the workings of your team or workplace. A well conducted review will identify problems, risks and opportunities and recommend strategies to improve the morale, efficiency, culture and functioning of the team.  An independent workplace review enables the employer to manage any risks and avoid formal complaints, resignation and absenteeism, before damage and costs are incurred.   It also helps to build morale and trust among employees.  

Think of a workplace review as a team warrant of fitness – as an opportunity to check how everything is running and to identify any hidden issues before matters get worse!


Why use us to conduct workplace reviews? 

  • We are independent and impartial.  This means employees trust us and feel comfortable about divulging their concerns and providing full and honest information. They are more willing to speak candidly to someone outside the organisation.

  • We remove the risk of actual or perceived bias.  While reviews can be carried out internally, there is always a risk of bias (whether actual or perceived). Internal staff members may be perceived to have allegiances with certain individuals in the workplace or to have their own motives.

  • We are cost-effective.  We are experienced and able to conduct a review in a transparent and efficient manner.  We can provide an estimate of our costs and we will keep you updated as the review progresses.

  • We are efficient.  Reviews should be carried out in a timely manner to ensure any matters identified are dealt with and resolved as quickly as possible and to maintain momentum and trust for all participants. Often managers or human resource professionals have insufficient time to conduct a comprehensive review on top of their existing workload.

  • We are skilled.  We have the knowledge, skills and confidence to enable us to conduct a review efficiently, thoroughly and with discretion. We are professional, impartial and fair to all those involved in the process.


How do we conduct our workplace review process?

We begin the review process with a high-level discussion with you to determine the scope (including selecting participants), areas of focus, timetable and process for the review. 

We undertake the review by:

  • conducting face-to-face or telephone interviews with staff members, giving them the opportunity to discuss their personal experiences in the workplace; and

  • reviewing any relevant documents such as policies, incident reports, or staff engagement survey results.

We ensure all participants in the review are put at ease. We build an easy and natural rapport with all those involved in the process. We ensure that participation in the review process is voluntary and that participants are kept fully informed so there are no surprises. You can be confident we will follow the rules of natural justice and procedural fairness. We will conduct the review efficiently, thoroughly and with discretion, minimising disruption to the business and workplace.

We conclude the review by providing a confidential and comprehensive report clearly setting out our observations and findings. The report will be clear, concise and written in plain English. The report will provide a full and accurate insight into what is or is not going on in the workplace. We will recommend practical, independent strategies and interventions to address any issues identified and to enable you to make real improvements to ensure your team is working positively, collaboratively and productively.